customer coverage worldwideMore than 30 agents worldwideexport to more than 100 countriethere are two ways to become a featured agent on speakejammer.com1.join our brokeragespeakejammer.com,llc is a fully licensed brokerage.products and services of high-tech companies.we with high-tech company and scientific research units’osculation cooperation obtain strong techonlogy support for company.step 1. agent visits to take a mandatestep 2. provide installation technology for product accessoriessetp 3. provide sales skills.marketing your productwe havehighly mature logistics transportation strongly boosts the commercial trade development2.join our partner agent referral program.In areas not served by speakejammer.com agents,we offer a referral program for agents with their current brokerage but still want to be featured as a neighborhood expert on speakejammer.com.as a partner agent you only pay a referral fee on closed transactions from referrals we provide to you.either way,we only work with the best.super fast response time,and excellent customer service skills.you must thoroughly know the neighborhoods and subdivisions you serve.if you have what it takes to become a speakejammer.com agent or partner agent,we’d love to hear from you!FAQ:Q:HOW to join VIP?A:become Vip member so that you can invite the hosts as many as possible.5pcs—discount 5%     10%pcs—Discount 10%Q:how to use it?a:please contact us for more tips,all the products are labelled with comperhensive instructions .Q:which one is better for you?A:there is no one hundred percent of the things that working all of your machine.we have more than 24 types product that in difference frequency and power if you want working on more machine you need have our 2-3 types deviceQ:how can i get discount price and wholesale price?A:we have preferential policies without dealing through aliexpress,because there will be a commission through aliexpress. there is no discount that causes discountsQ:which machines can this product be used?A:the application fields of the products are very wide,including some electronic products related to circuits,which can be testedQ:Can i customize the product?A:if you have design needs,we will communicate with you the first time.Contact us-tell us your opinion and idea, it is always necessary for us to communication each other.should you find any additional issues not covered,please contact us.common fault:1.battery damage,mainly due to the charging time is too long.the correct charge should be maintained in charging hole filling 15-30 minutes,easy to burn out the battery overcharge.2.triode is easy to damage,mainly due to the long time press the switch on the transistor caused by overheating, the correct way to use is control switch 3-5 seconds immediately release,a few seconds press switch to used again.before purchase noticethe following circumstances refuse to return:there is no quality problem,we refuse to return(we don’t accept return if you say not working on your machine,can let daylight lamp flashing indicates that the machine is good)improper use of damage,we refuse to return (don’t used it when charging or broken)